You call yourself a business owner?
I know I’m not the only entrepreneur who has felt insecure about calling themselves a business owner. Being self-employed with little money or clients to show can make you wonder, “Just who the hell do you think you are, calling yourself a business owner?"
But what if you could adopt a new mindset and truly change your thoughts around the success of your business.
Mindset is critical to being successful.
I recently listened to the Unf*ck Your Brain podcast, and have been trying out a tool to change my negative thoughts around my business. Kara (the podcast host) introduces this tool called the thought ladder. The idea is that rather than jumping to a thought that you don't believe, you start practicing a new thought that is more believable to you, eventually building up to your goal thought, and therefore changing your mindset.
Here is an example of what a thought ladder could look like for you:
Old thought
I’m not a successful business owner, and I have a hard time believing that it will ever be possible for me.
Ladder thought
I’ve had many successful moments in my business and career and will have many more successful moments!
Goal thought
I’m successful and have a thriving business.
Perhaps you view yourself as a scrappy entrepreneur who has been dreaming of having a thriving business. What thoughts are holding you back?
Are you afraid to invest in new branding or hire an employee because you believe you should be able to do it all yourself?
Are you hesitant to start that blog or post on social media for fear of looking silly?
Take all those limiting beliefs and try some new thoughts on for size. Use the thought ladder and try and move closer to your goal mindset and dream business.
I know you are more than capable. Don't let your thoughts keep you from taking big giant leaps towards realizing your dreams. You are a rocking business owner, and it's time to start believing it!